April Fools! Spring is here! ‘Tis the season of poetry!

Alzar School | 04.04.14

On April Fools students completed a joke pop vocabulary quiz  – to combine all the vocabulary words we’ve learned so far in English class into a poem…In 3minutes. Though most remembered words were from the last week, the results were pretty whimsically impressive!

The aesthetic flowers begin to blossom
the lakes and rivers are filled with flotsam.

I ensconce myself from the rainy weather
In Spring there is nothing better.

The banal suburbia fills with birds
I cannot think of any other words.

The haggard Eskimo steps out of his cave and takes a quick look around.
He sees the first flower, “It’s Spring! It’s Spring!”
The tremulous news spreads from the highest escarpment
to the bottom of the bottomlands.
The oxbow rivers flow for the first time in months.
It is Spring.


I peered over the steep escarpment to find dreary Santonica scattered over the ground though spring had just arrived. The tremulous buds of newly forming flowers shook back and forth rapidly with the breeze. Obdurate hard ground blocked the aesthetically pleasing green sprouts from breaking through the surface.

Suburbia in the spring is boring.
I chose to let my imagination careen to different places.
My favorite thoughts are the ones where I captain a galleon.
In my galleon, my crew and I take journeys to islands with escarpments where the Santonica seed is profuse.
We navigate with the astrolabe and nonchalantly face all dangers untremulously.

Walking around suburbia I notice
the sky.
I look up and see the aesthetic
clouds. They are floating
around so freely, they remind
me of the flotsam in the bay.
Remembering the bay, I
think of the times I went
fishing with my dad and
how hard it was to use a
gaff. The careening river
that floats around the oxbow
from the bay
passes by tremulous escarpments
with Santonica scattered in it.

She went to her back yard where the gaff was laying by the pool
From her house on the beach, she spotted flotsam from a galleon.
It was located by the oxbow that the ocean broke off.
Her house was located in the suburbia of the bottomland of Florida.
As her aesthetic senses admired the view,
her hands turned tremulous.


In the midst of banal suburbia
watching flotsam drift by
only to be struck by the aesthetic oxbow of spring.

The aesthetic water meanders through the oxbow,
the bottomland hydrates,
gaffs slice the surface, finding their mark,
sinking into fish, hiding under the flotsam
of an old galleon.

Spring is a state of jubilation
where all is like a flotsam
galleon on the sky
nothing taciturn around us.

In the spring, I fish with a gaff.
I ride the flotsam of other boats and pass Spanish galleons
offshore to where I can only find my way
with an astrolabe
and back again to a new land
where I follow the oxbows and bends
of the rivers, bring color and beautiful aesthetics,
to the springtime land
ensconced in flowers and rain.

Meanwhile on campus we wake up to winter snow and end the day in spring sage grasses…
