The Practice of Giving Gratitude

Anita Cussler | 27.11.19

At Thanksgiving dinner each year, like many, my family has the tradition of going around the table to each share what we are grateful for. Broad common themes always surface — family, good health, friends, a home, good food, etc.. While I treasure this tradition, I silently wonder why this is just an annual occurrence of publicly vocalized thanks. Why don’t we, as a society, take more time to give thanks? 

Much to my surprise, when coming to Alzar School I was thrilled to find that the giving of gratitude is a nightly exercise at dinner circle. Students and staff openly and directly give thanks to one another. The more specific the gratitude, the better. From help on that one tough math problem to the hug that was given in passing, these benevolences are recognized in front of the community and help us all remember to give thanks for the small moments of grace each day brings. 

So today, we’d like to give you all a little gratitude. Thank you for reading our weekly blog and for supporting Alzar School, our students and community in each unique way. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Alzar School.